Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Stimulus for Acting

     Each morning, when my pal Chloe, my golden retriever and the angel of my life decides she needs some love, she comes to my desk, stands on her hind legs and wraps her paws tightly around my neck. In return, I hug her back, pat her and give her lots of kisses. Once she’s had enough she grabs her tennis ball, runs out her doggie door and off she goes in search of any unusual animal scents. You never know what could have appeared overnight in her yard. She fills my heart with such warmth and playfulness. These little experiences can be so huge because they touch the soul. Experiences stimulate emotions and whatever yours may be, as actors, they are your palette for bringing reality and color to the characters you create.
     I say to actors that they must search continually inside for emotional truth. This internal truth is not only your talent but your greatest artistic accomplishment. Acting is a profession that one has to dedicate themselves to the continual pursuit of a dream. These dreams take place in every aspect of daily experiences. A truthful response is gold to the actor. If your characters are created from a real and honest place, then you will have touched the heart of reality and with this connection, the experience of moment-to-moment life emerges. Look for emotional stimulus each day!
     Joy's book for actors,  FOR THE LOVE OF ITis a book for all actors who want to improve their talent.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Getting the Job

  • Can you sell yourself in sixty seconds?
  • Inspire an audience by speaking authentically?
  • Talk about yourself with precision and passion?
  • Persuade an audience with your own emotional self-expression?
  • Act and Be at the same time?
For Actors, Writers, Directors, Dancers, Musicians, etc. The Objective is to get the job.

You have an important interview or a chance of a lifetime audition and the casting person says, "Tell me about you." What happens next?  Do you freeze for a moment, does your mind go blank or do you know how to sell yourself on the spot?  Don't find yourself stammering self consciously, stumbling and giving a vague general discourse.  Be prepared by doing this simple exercise. 
                                                EXERCISE OF THE DAY
List five strong points about yourself.
For Example:
1. I love animals
2. I’m honest
3. I’m sincere
4. I’ve got a good sense of humor
5. I’m romantic

Make a list of 5 things you feel you do best.
 1. I read people well.
 2. I’m a good teacher.
 3. I’m a good friend.
 4. I’m good at solving problems.
 5 .I’m good at being alone with myself

Now go back and scratch out 3 in each category as I have done above(be selective) so only 4 attributes are left. Express everything you can about yourself using these choices in 2 min, then do it once again but shorten it to 1 min. Once you know what you like about yourself, you'll be set to go anytime you're called upon to do so.
      Joy's book for actors,  For The Love Of It,' is a book for all actors who want to improve their training and discover more about their talent.